
Recently my husband and I traveled to another state for him to have a hip surgery. 

As much as we thought we were prepared, there's really nothing that can prepare you like you need to be.

Just for your info...DID YOU KNOW that if you drink alot of water before a blood test that they can find your veins better? Wow! No more than one poke. Why is this not something that is told?

Before the surgery, the Dr will inform you of what will happen, they even have video's, a class, and a ton of information that is at your fingertips. After surgery, PT & OT are there to help you with knowing what you need to do, how you need to move, etc. They make sure you are well-educated before sending you home.

This hospital where my husband had surgery was very nice. They were very organized and every thing was on track. They keep you well informed about the surgery process and how the patient is doing. It is truly amazing to see a business be so well organized. And the food is delish! Everything is really well laid out and they inform you of anything you need to know! 

The sad thing about our travels was Christian television and radio. It is non-existant! EXCEPT for K-LOVE! Thank you K-LOVE for being there in every state we went through! :)However, if you want to listen to any preacher, there are none available on regular radio stations, nor is there any on regular television. TBN was available in one town, but we could not find ANY preacher on a Sunday morning. You use to could turn on a television station on Sunday and have your choice of preachers. This really is a sad issue....many people have gotten saved due to turning on the television and hearing the preacher on the tv. It's great that these big-time preachers are getting their own television networks, but what about the main stream television? WE NEED THIS!!! 

It's not until you are going through something that you realize the "need" for certain things that can help people. Restrooms with "family" rooms...are excellent! I never understood those bathrooms until now. It sure helps to be able to go in and help your husband, while he is still learning how to drive his walker. ;) Along the ride home, there are very few places to be able to stop and walk...IN THE RAIN!! This is a MUST after surgery, to get out and stretch your legs and will eliminate blood clots. If you wanted to make a few bucks, open up a store with a awning to get out of the rain. It would be awesome for after-surgery (or handicapped) peoples.

Also, the restaurants that have carry-out or delivery are very good options! :)

Traveling and being the luggage carrier also is a challenge, but real quick you learn to only take in a hotel what you are going to need. We had 3 bags of snacks...BUT WE NEEDED THEM RIGHT? WHO DOESN'T NEED SNACKS???

So, after you have all this information, books, memories of classes, etc. It still never prepares you for what happens at home. But before long, you learn what to do and just do it. It's best to be prepared, having everything planned, knowing who will take care of what while you are away. AND also good to have your days planned AFTER surgery and have people helping. There should never be stress to a care-giver, they need all the support they can get and the patient needs all the smiles they can get. Send cards, text saying you are thinking about them, etc. You won't be bothering them, you will be loving them and that is exactly what they need! 

The patient....OH my! I can't even begin to brag about my husband. What an EXCELLENT PATIENT he has been. This guy never complained before. But through everything he went through, he has never complained  even through out the challenges of climbing stairs or when the walker wouldn't fit through the door of our bathroom. He has challenged me to pick it up several notches..and WATCH MY ATTITUDE!! His attitude is excellent and it sure makes you feel better when you think better and talk better. 

Please continue to believe with us for a VERY QUICK recovery for my hubby! He has come-back so fast and a word was spoken over him by our Pastor's wife, before we left, that there would be supernatural healing. I truly believe it!!!! 

This is the gal behind the jeans....we all go through things and we just work it out the best we can...BUT WITH GOD! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!! 

~ Rhonda Griep
SCIH Founder/Owner


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