
Showing posts from August, 2016


So many times, we feel that what we are doing is so insignificant. Many of us have children and are changing messy diapers or constantly picking up the house. I remember so well....just after I had swept and mopped the kitchen floor, one of my children would spill sticky Kool-Aid all over that clean floor. It was a never ending job. Not to mention the time it took to discipline all day!  Even if you are going to work everyday, you may be "day-dreaming" about your "perfect" job. And how you wish things would work out so you could do what you feel "called" to do!  Sometimes I think, if I wasn't so busy doing everything for everyone else, I COULD GET DONE what I NEEDED TO DO!  Although, it may be true,  what are the motives behind doing what I NEED TO DO? Is what I need done more important than serving others? There is ALWAYS going to be dirty laundry, beds to make, etc. There's no doubt about that. No matter if you are home all