
You often here the quote #thestruggleisreal. We all have issues in our life that are sometimes struggles. Not one of us has the perfect life. 

John 16:33 says "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Just because we are living right and doing right does not mean that everything will be hunky dory! We all have temptations & trials and no one is exempt from that. 

HOWEVER, we can have PEACE EVEN in the midst of trial because Jesus is always there! He has sent the Holy Spirit who dwells on the inside of us to help us in all things!

I'm going to share with you a struggle that I have. The one thing that is hardest for me is keeping my weight under control! All through-out the years, even as a teenager, I was on a diet. 

TODAY, I am on a diet! I LOVE FOOD! I love CANDY! CAKE! SNACKS! I just love to eat! (Sweets is my down fall)! But I want to be healthy and in good shape. 

I've exercised, then quit...started again...then quit. I use to walk 4-miles a day. I LOVED IT! But I quit. I'm not sure why..alot has happened this past year and really there is never a good excuse. But once you miss a day of not exercising, then another day, and before you know it, you just don't do it anymore. Same with eating well.

Many times I've cried out to God because I get tired of constantly having to be aware of what I put in my mouth!  It's frustrating to be on guard all the time. Always having to work to be a certain weight. Anymore I'm not concerned about the weight, I just want to be healthy...and looks like I'm as healthy as a horse! Hee hee..okay, SO I AM concerned about my looks. Every woman wants to look good...MOST every woman. It actually would be nice to be in that mind set NOT to care about how I look in clothes. I see women who don't have the perfect figure but are beautiful because of how they carry them self.

So through this struggle, I've found a diet I'm enjoying! This diet is very time-consuming and it can get expensive, as well. BUT I've found bread I can have and SWEETS that are REALLY yummy. If it wasn't for that, then I wouldn't care for it. But I really feel like this is something I need to do because of the benefits it has. I just don't want my "weight" to keep me from having fun, going places, and even being unfruitful in my life because I'm constantly concerned about it.

Working through this struggle, I try to find something about myself I like and keep that as my focus and not what I weigh. When I look in the mirror I thank the Lord for beautiful eyes....for good eyelashes....etc. But one day I need to begin to thank the Lord for those things I don't like. He made me! He can change me. But the change begins with ME!    I have to renew my mind to God's Word and remind myself who I am because of Him. He loves me no matter what I weigh, how I look, etc. 

Even in the trials of being tempted to eat the foods not on my diet, I trust God to help me stay focused. Because this isn't really ANOTHER DIET..this IS a LIFETIME CHANGE! 

As I sit here and write about the "diet" struggles, my in-laws sent my husband a HUGE tub full of what? MY FAVORITE CANDY!!!!! AND I AM NOT GOING TO EAT IT!!!! :) Because ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE and I WILL BE A SUCCESS!!! 

- that brownie and ice-cream my Pastor's wife brought us last night was excellent and definitely a diet no-no!! BUT TODAY is a new day! AND I am an OVER-COMER!!!!


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