This week we have posted Bible verses about Labor due to celebrating Labor Day on Monday.
Laboring is a GOOD THING! 

Doesn't it feel great when you've accomplished something that you've always wanted to do? Or even after completing a task that you thought you could never finish? 

We produce fruits from the labor that we do. Fruits are things that will show what kind of "laboring" we are doing.
My fruits may be different than your fruits. My fruit is more a "spiritual" reward than a "physical" reward. I like to know that people are helped through SCIH and it's awesome to hear and know when someone has been encouraged! :) 

Your fruit may be receiving a paycheck and even a bonus because you've went well beyond your call of duty in your workplace.

It's sad to look around and see so many that are not willing to work or even have goals for their life. They would rather live off the benefits from the government or try to get rich fast by doing things that's not legal. 

You may even receive a little fruit for not laboring but after awhile, that will catch up!!! 

A little example with that would be exercising! Boy! If you've not done that...then you are NOT laboring! Hee hee

Every muscle that you labored on to strengthen for months, has now weakened because you thought taking a little time off would be good...or maybe it's because you've gotten a little lazy. The weather is too hot and humid and it's easy to say "I will do it tomorrow"....and tomorrow and months go by and before you know it, you see the results of NOT LABORING! AND IT'S NOT GOOD!!! 

You can't just jump back in there and start back where you were. It is a process and takes time. Just like anything.

As Christian men & women, we need to have a GOD MENTALITY! A mentality that wants to see the GOOD FRUITS of our labor. We want a FRUIT MENTALITY!

A FRUIT MENTALITY is wanting everything that you labor at or set your hand to, to cause fruit! Of course, you don't want rotten banana's or mushy apples. 

BECAUSE YOU are a child of the most HIGH GOD and YOU HAVE A FRUIT (not fruity) MENTALITY, then the things you do, you want to do WITH EXCELLENCE. Not just a "get by and receive a paycheck" mentality, but you want to be the BEST! AND SHOW YOUR BEST WORK!
Every day should be better than the last! Whatever job you are doing, even if its preparing a meal for your family should be better than the last! You are your BEST AND WORST CRITIC! Try to out-do yourself everyday!!! 

God wants us to work and provide for our families. In fact, that is your God-given responsibility! And if you are failing to do that, today is the day you can change and get back in the game! Get that FRUIT MENTALITY and start striving for the prettiest, shiniest apple. Work hard at what you do and work for the GLORY OF GOD! 

Your laboring will NOT go unnoticed...however, your none laboring WILL! It's time you set the goal high and get after it! 

Let's see what kind of fruit you are made of!!!!


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