How do we discern spirits?
*To separate by the eye, or by the understanding. 
*discerning; also, the power or faculty of the mind, by which it distinguishes one thing from another, as truth from falsehood.
In First Corinthians 12:10, Paul refers to “distinguishing between spirits” (or “discerning of spirits” in the NKJV) – as a spiritual gift that God gives to believers in order to recognize lying spirits and to identify deceptive and erroneous doctrines.
Because the Holy Spirt is on the inside of us, if you've received Jesus as your Lord, then we can tap into that and He will reveal to us what is of God and what is not of God!
Many times you just may feel uncomfortable around certain people because they are not truthful in everything! Sometimes you may hear a preacher say something that doesn't sound "just right"! These are the reasons we need to have discernment! 
Discernment is also good for when we are visiting a place outside of our home! There's just some places you don't need to go!
In our small town I use to live in, I went in a local shop to see what they had for sale! It was a nice place but there was something that wasn't right! It was just an uneasy feeling! I didn't buy anything that day!
Months down the road, it was told that there were witchcraft practices that were going on in the back of that store! 
If something was bought from there and I had taken it home, what do you suppose that I brought into my own home to subject my children to?
Discernment is very important! Don't take things as you think they are! Be cautious! 


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