So many times, we feel that what we are doing is so insignificant.

Many of us have children and are changing messy diapers or constantly picking up the house. I remember so well....just after I had swept and mopped the kitchen floor, one of my children would spill sticky Kool-Aid all over that clean floor. It was a never ending job. Not to mention the time it took to discipline all day! 

Even if you are going to work everyday, you may be "day-dreaming" about your "perfect" job. And how you wish things would work out so you could do what you feel "called" to do! 

Sometimes I think, if I wasn't so busy doing everything for everyone else, I COULD GET DONE what I NEEDED TO DO! 

Although, it may be true,  what are the motives behind doing what I NEED TO DO? Is what I need done more important than serving others?

There is ALWAYS going to be dirty laundry, beds to make, etc. There's no doubt about that. No matter if you are home all day or working outside the home, things have to be done.

BUT even in the smallest things, GOD LOVES US! HE KNOWS OUR NAMES! HE KNOWS what is in our HEART because HE has placed those DESIRES IN US! Sometimes those desires are so strong in us that we fail to remember, we may still have some learning to do before we jump out there and try to do things on our own. If we get frustrated doing the small things, how in the world can we handle the BIG THINGS?

In Colossians 3:23-24, God tells us that we need to do ALL THINGS FOR HIS GLORY! The things we do are not for man's glory, but GOD'S GLORY! It seems kinda strange to clean the toilets for the glory of God BUT WOW! God likes our house to be clean and nice! So when we are cleaning our house, He is smiling! :) AND HE sees our obedience to doing the basic things in life (cleaning house, making supper, washing clothes, etc). Those things may not be FUN to do but they have to be done anyways, so it's best to have a good attitude while doing them.

Let me share with you a little story....I knew a lady whose husband would want supper after supper...every night she would have to fry up his favorite food. You know how messy frying something is? Well, night after night, she grumbled because it was such a chore to do this, even though she was honoring her husband. One day she was reminded that when she is doing something, she is doing it for the GLORY OF GOD! And so she just started saying, "Lord, I'm doing this for YOUR glory." AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? Her husband decided out of the blue that he didn't want that food anymore!!! 

WOW! GOD DOES LOVE US! He knows our heart! But we have to have our heart in the right place. If we are always thinking about "where we need to be" instead of where we are...then we will never be satisfied where we are. AND when we become dissatisfied, we start to grumble and open the door for Satan to lie to us. When we start believing Satan's lies, we are putting our self in a bad place because we are not trusting GOD any longer. We are putting more trust in Satan's lies and that brings fear that we will never be where we want to be. 

DO ALL THAT YOU DO FOR GOD'S GLORY! You can only be a success if you are doing everything to the best of your ability in the place you are NOW! And God will SEE YOUR HEART and will promote you to BIGGER AND BETTER things! It may not happen over night. His timing is never our timing! But HE KNOWS THE TIME! HE KNOWS THE PLACE! HE IS HONORED BY YOU DOING EVERYTHING FOR HIM and not for men to acknowledge your accomplishments.


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