5K Challenge

A few weeks ago, my mother signed me up for a 5K, which is approximately 3.1 miles long.

I didn't mind the fact that I had to run or even walk this far, I just really didn't WANT to join other people and walk/run this far.

For several months now, I've been getting up early (very early in the summer heat), and walk/run at the park. I enjoy it so much. I've walked up to 5 miles at once but found that 4 miles is perfect for me.

I don't just walk/run these 4 miles in silence or listening to music. I pray and have little talks with God. It is an awesome time for me to hear the voice of God and to start off my day. Believe me, after doing this for several months, the little issues that I've struggled with in my daily life are diminishing. I've learned to put my trust in the Father and I just love my time with Him everyday! 

As each day went by until the big 5K, I continued at the park and tried to beat my 3-mile time. I did pretty well but still dreaded "that day". In fact that morning I tried talking my mom into going to McDonald's and forgetting the race. But she was going either way. So I tucked my tail in and got ready to go.

Sure enough, when I got there, I didn't want to be there. I don't really understand what all the hoopla is about with these races. I don't know but I was still dreading it starting and really just wanted it to be over.

As the race started, I thought I had stretched enough but my legs ached. I continued on and prayed for them under my breath! I made it back to the finish line in 44 minutes. I may have done it a minute sooner but I really didn't care either way, to tell ya the truth.

After the race, the interesting part was the prizes and medals given out. Yes, I was FIRST PLACE in my age category! Since I was the only one signed UP for that age category, I guess that is good. Gosh, if I hadn't placed at all, I guess I would probably be in tears..hee hee

That race DID teach me something I had not known about myself. While I was running it came to me that I'm not motivated by other people's victories and their victories don't challenge me to be a better person. 

I cannot take someone else's challenge and challenge myself that way. Ha ha...He has not even a clue that he challenged me, but one of the men on our Praise/Worship team said that he is going to lose 15 pounds in the month of October. Well, are you kidding? IF HE can do it, then I CAN DO IT!! So, at the end of the month, I would share with him my weight loss victories! (in my dreams)!

Do you know that October was the hardest month for me in my eating? I have been so good in eating healthy foods but now all of a sudden I craved candy and tons of it. And you know what? I ate candy and tons of it. I tried every day to be successful with what I ate. Why all of a sudden has this challenge affected me? Well, the 15 pound weight loss did not happen, I'm unhappy to report.

Everything that you do IS a mental thing! I was not mentally ready for that 5K, neither was a mentally ready to lose 15 pounds in a month. I gave in to what my body wanted, rather then knowing what I needed to do. 

Other people's victories inspire me but they don't push me to be the person I want to be. We all have to get to the place that when we want something, we have to challenge our-self and go after it. We are the only ones that can make it happen (and with the power of the Holy Spirit)! The Holy Spirit IS our helper and HE CAN make it happen for us, if we let Him.

You can't make an alcoholic stop drinking or a drug user stop using. It is something THEY have to want to do and THEY are the only ones that can change their want. However, you can be an example and be there for them when days are hard. The decision to change is in each one of us and we have to decide for ourselves.

Change is probably the hardest thing ever! It is hard work! I've seen people push themselves and get the results they wanted and I'm ecstatic for them. I WISH I could do that for myself. I have changed many things (my way of thinking) about certain things but I haven't even started praying over my want to lose weight or be faster at walking miles. I haven't been "mindful" of it, its just something that I want.

Change comes FIRST in your thoughts. When you have a thought and continue to ponder on that, your body will follow. Believe me, I KNOW where those Milky Way bars are that I've hid from myself. But when I think about them, I can't stop. AND guess what??? Yep, I'm wiping the chocolate off my face. 

Everything that you want to do, you HAVE to renew your mind and get it in line! Whether it is running a race or losing weight or even eating healthy. You have to think what you want.
And when things come in that don't fit into this category, cast those thoughts out. 

I do have things/people that challenge me, it's not running races or eating right but it's people who are committed to Christ and live right. People who know the Word and speak the Word, those are the people who challenge me! I want to read the Bible more, I want to fellowship with God more, I want to pray more, I want to share Jesus with others more.

Everyone's challenges are different and that's okay. God can use you where you're at. If you like running races, wow! Look at all the people you can share Jesus with! If you like swimming, wow! Just going to the lake on Saturday on a hot, sunny day, look at all the people you can share Jesus with. 

My challenge is to not only hear the voice of God and to walk my miles everyday but to change from the inside out! To have the mind of Christ. To be the best wife and the best mom that I can be! To be the best SCIH owner I can be, to write the best articles and to share the best of me to others!  

And THIS challenge is easy for me because my mind has already been made up. I know this is the calling that God has for me. It's not really anything I have to "change", it's already placed inside me.

BUT if it WASN'T there, then it would be a hard task. So truly, what IS a challenge?
CHALLENGE :  (A) a call or summons to engage in any contest, as of skill, strength, etc.
                            (B) difficulty in a job or undertaking that is stimulating to one engaged in it.
It's easy to challenge ourselves when its a no-brainer, but is THAT REALLY a challenge? Not so much! So, a challenge for me WOULD be to eat right and lose weight. 
Maybe YOUR challenge isn't running a 5K or by eating right, maybe you have that down to a tee. But maybe your challenge is reading your Bible or having a relationship with God. Maybe it's spending more time with your family.

Challenge yourself to be the BEST YOU in whatever area you need to be. We all have challenges in some area of our life BUT WITH the power of the Holy Spirit, our Helper, our Advocate (John 14:26) we CAN do ALL THINGS through Christ Jesus, who gives us the strength! Philippians 4:13

P.S. I appreciate the sponsors and people's who put the Give Love a Pulse, Hunger Run 5K together.  It was an amazing project with awesome helpers and people who have given their time/monies to help other people. And a HUGE thank you to my mom for paying my way to attend! :) 
(Let's just remember next time to go to McDonald's and I'll drop off a donation at the 5K) - hee hee


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