It's time to knock over some sacred cows


Just listening to conversations of people challenged me to find the TRUTH on a few subjects.

1. They believe how they were raised/taught.
2. They don't read the WHOLE Bible.
3. If it sounds good, its okay to believe it.

Are you TRULY ready to have REVELATION on some things or do you want to be stuck in this rut of life just living day-to-day hoping it gets better?

As you read this article, I am going to challenge you to do several things! 

PRAY before you read this article.
Pray that God open your eyes and make things clear for you to understand His Word and His Will.

It may take a few tries to knock over that "old sacred cow" because the TRUTH is the TRUTH and no matter who taught you what they taught you, if you don't find out for yourself then you will ALWAYS be in a rut and never be free from some things!

SO, if you're ready for a LIFE-CHANGE, EYE OPENING, SACRED COW KNOCKING, TRUTH FROM THE WORD OF GOD....then let's begin!

Many things have gone on in the past weeks (and months) and if you are on Facebook or any of the social media's, you see a lot of comments!!! People respond in many different ways. Alot of times, they say things "others want to hear" in order to make them feel better about the situation. Sometimes they say things and don't really have a clue or know the truth behind what they just said.

I have MANY several examples.....I recently had a friend whose newborn baby passed away. How shocking it is for a woman to carry a baby full term and then the baby not live. It is something that you question God about, sometimes people get MAD at God for it happening, and alot of times, people say that is IS GOD that caused it to happen.

So, this God of mine who I serve and trust to protect over me and my family everyday is the SAME GOD who took the life of a newborn baby because He wanted it in heaven??????? This same GOD that I serve, would let everything be great until time of delivery and then take the baby from the parents? This same GOD I serve took someone that HE LOVES SO VERY MUCH to send HIS OWN SON to die for us (John 3:16)....took SOMEONE'S BABY???? WHY WOULD HE NEED ANOTHER BABY IN HEAVEN? I think the people of the world are giving Him plenty of babies already!!! 

Why does GOD get blamed for EVERYTHING????? (Please read the scriptures I have posted for you can see what the Word of God says!) John 10:10/John 3:17

Do you know that EVERYTHING is not GOD'S WILL? People say, "If it's God's will"...I guess He had a purpose for that baby going to heaven so soon!


WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR OWN CHILDREN? COME ON REALLY? THINK ABOUT IT!!!! Would you want harm to come to your own children to "teach them a lesson" or just have another "angel" in heaven?

For one thing. A baby that is in heaven IS NOT AN ANGEL! God already has angels and when we die, we don't become angels. READ THE BIBLE! This is something people say ALL THE TIME! WHY? Where does it say we will be angels??? Where does it say that little babies will be angels/cherubs???? Babies are babies in Heaven and they grow into the perfect age. 

Here is a statement from the website:

For more stories and other heaven experiences, please visit this website. It is full of valuable and precious information!

Roy Reinhold says people in heaven aren't the same age as when they died. Adults appear to be at the most robust age (we might say on earth that they are 25-30 years of age).
In heaven there is no sickness, no disease, no birth defects. Your body is like a super body, it's perfect. Children are there, all the ones who died young, in childbirth, or were aborted. Roy also states they have a heavenly body of the same age as when they died and that they are educated in the Word of God, heavenly music, loving care and they grow up in maturity. An example that Roy gives is: "a woman had a girl-child on earth die at the time she was born. If the woman lived a long life on earth, she would arrive in heaven greeted by the daughter who died at birth. Only, the daughter would be a young woman, grown up spiritually in heaven. The mother would still recognize her daughter who had died at birth on earth."

Mary K. Baxter and Jesse Duplantis both talk about babies and unborn babies that die will go to heaven. That alone is awesome!

My preacher recently stated He thinks the age of 30-33 because this was Jesus age. It's also the prime age of our lives.

God DOES NOT TAKE people's lives unless they are ready to leave this world. IN FACT, GOD promised us a LONG LIFE if we are obedient to our parents. (Ephesians6:1) God LOVES US MORE than we love our own children. He doesn't NEED US IN HEAVEN! He needs us on earth, as a voice, to win souls and people to HIM!!!!

John 10:10 says that SATAN is out to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY! Why do people put this on God? GOD doesn't do this!!!! This is pretty easy to remember...GOD IS GOOD, SATAN IS BAD!


God is NOT the god of this world. GOD IS GOD and we know the end result BUT Satan is the god of this world. If God was the God of this world, why would all this junk be going on. Again, why would I want to serve a GOD LIKE THAT??????

And after Jesus was raised from the dead after DYING for our SINS, SICKNESS, and DISEASE.....He gave US the authority IN HIS NAME to cast out demons, lay hands on the sick, We now have the SAME authority Jesus had when He was raised from the dead! “…and raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:6) This is a place “…far above principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.” (Ephesians 1:21) We have been delivered from the power of darkness, and God has “transferred us into the kingdom of the son of His love.” (Colossians 1:13) We have been GIVEN POWER to tread over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means will hurt us! (See Luke 10:19) We are to submit ourselves to God and resist the devil and he will flee from us! (James 4:7) The Holy Spirit in us is greater than the control that Satan exerts over this fallen world! (1 John 4:4)

So, God is NOT in control of situations/circumstances. We can't just let "God" control it because He's not going to! WE NOW have the authority and control to COME AGAINST situations/circumstances. It is by the words of our mouth that WE SPEAK!!! Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21) And when WE SPEAK the WORD out of our mouth, that gives GOD the okay to CONTROL!!! If all we are talking is being sick and broke well, that gives the DEVIL an opportunity to come in and show you just how sick and broke you can get!

What we speak today is what our tomorrow will bring! If you want good in your life, then you need to plant good seeds today!!! 

Let's STOP BLAMING GOD for everything happening to people! GOD DIDN'T CAUSE ANYONE to pass away. Can God KEEP IT from happening? YES HE CAN! And so why doesn't He?

I honestly don't have the answer to that but again, this goes back to the words we speak.  We need to speak God's Word over ourselves, over our families. God's Word does NOT return to Him void. God's Word MOVES GOD! 

There are hundreds and hundreds of questions that we just don't know the answer to. However, I'm trying to get you in a place of responsibility! A place that you are not just "saying" things because you "think" its correct or will make someone feel better for the time being. We need to be more accountable what we say, what we watch on t.v. What we listen to. Whatever you hear is going into your mind and soon it will go down into your heart. Have you ever started singing a song and wondered why you keep singing it? It's probably something you heard on a commercial or something playing on tv. If it takes just that little bit for something to get inside like that, how much more successful would we be if we were listening to things about God's love and compassion?

Satan is out to destroy those that have a purpose and have a calling on their life and will make a difference in the Kingdom. He doesn't really care how its done, He just does it. He hates us and just wants bad to happen. So, he thinks he can just come in and take whomever he wants and throw in some depression, sickness, and whatever he can on whomever takes it. 

WELL, it's time Christian's stand up and lets him know whose got the authority and where he can go!!!

We NEED to be responsible about the things we do and the WORDS WE SPEAK!!! We are either speaking INTO someone's life (or our own), or we are TAKING from someone's life (or our own). Let's learn to GIVE into their life!!! 

Another thing I have an issue with is people saying "if it's God's will"! Saying this is not taking any responsibility on your part for what is happening! Remember God is NOT the god of this world (as of now), so He cannot do ANYTHING that you have not said out of your mouth! YOU NOW have the authority and are the responsible party for WHATEVER happens....

AND YOU SHOULD KNOW GOD'S WILL! If you don't know what His will is, then your not reading the Bible. God is not some "mystified" being that floats around and does whatever He wants. He is a powerful, strong, spiritual, being and when He speaks words out of His mouth, it comes into being! WOW! AND guess what? God is our Heavenly Father and so that means we are to be JUST LIKE HIM so what we say, we WILL have, that works both ways, negative AND positive.

So listen to yourself speak!!! Are you speaking words of doubt and unbelief?" I hear people say all the time, "I just don't have any money", "everything is going sky high and I can hardly afford food or gas anymore.". What are you speaking???? That you are broke and boo hoo...well, you are going to stay that way until YOU CHANGE YOUR WORDS! If you don't change your words, your words will change you!!!!!! And it won't be pretty!!!! UNLESS you speak GOOD WORDS! 

One last cow to knock over.....back to the blame God game. GOD IS A GOD OF MANY MANY CHANCES (Praise the Lord), cause if He wasn't, I wouldn't be writing this today!!! 

How many times have you seen people mess up??? And what have you done if they were your kids? Well, you would correct them and hope they don't make the same mistake over. You might even punish them BUT you wouldn't break their fingers off if they stole something, would you?

If he WAS, I WOULD NOT be serving HIM!! I would NEVER cut off my kids fingers for stealing or for doing something bad. Is it wrong? Well, YES, it IS WRONG but I'm not going to permanently damage them for the rest of their life because of it.

GOD LOVES US SOOOO VERY MUCH! He does NOT punish us that way. He corrects us and His grace is sufficient for us. He is ALWAYS there again and again, picking us up, wiping us off, and making sure that if we "happen" to mess up, He's right there helping us go the right path.

SATAN is the one that comes to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY! Yet, GOD ALWAYS gets the blame for it. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO SERVE A GOD LIKE THAT? AND why is it SO difficult to think that Satan couldn't do something like that, when it even says it in the Word?

It's so simple to me and people just chatter about God this/God that when God had NOTHING to do with it.

What kind of God do YOU want to serve?????? If God loves me MORE than I love my own children, WOW! I would do everything I can to help my children succeed. 

And THAT is EXACTLY how MY GOD IS!!!!!


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