Football Games and the United States of America
Outside the stadium were tailgaters grilling up their best barbeque and playing games to pass the time away. After all, it was 5 hours till the gates opened. Funny how fast time flies when you keep yourself busy doing things that you love.
Once the doors were open, fans would walk a ways to even make it to the stadium. But that's okay because everyone was excited and ready for the big game. It was enjoyable seeing some fans with some wild get-ups. They certainly go all out for the game!
Fans were packing in the huge stadium, everyone was wearing the same colors, however, only a few that decided to try to pack in the same stadium, took their chances and put on their team colors and were there to support their "the other" team.
It's very interesting listening to the people around you. They yell at the referee's most of the game, especially when the call wasn't what they wanted to hear. They even yell at the players. Sometimes I heard a few ladies yelling at each other. Hee hee
While sitting there listening to the fans yell and gripe at the ref's for a bad call, they said their team player was pushing on the other teams player. The tape was rolled back for all to review and sure enough, the guy pushed!!! But you know what the fans did? NOTHING! They ignored it! What? There it is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. YES, the TEAM you are ROOTING for BUT the evidence IS RIGHT THERE, yet, you still support your decision that the call was wrong??? WHAT????
Interesting how the SAME EXACT thing is happening in our country. We say we believe the Bible and live by it but the people we put in office have the exact OPPOSITE character and morals that we say we stand for. But HE IS ON OUR TEAM! Does it REALLY MATTER what team you are for? Democratic/Republican? Is that what it is all about? I have to vote this way because this is who I am! Is that REALLY who you are?
We, as Americans need to take a step back and LOOK at the EVIDENCE! We need to be serious with ourselves and with each other. Putting someone in office of a President isn't about, ha ha, my team won.
Is our country REALLY going in the direction that it needs to? Will there be funds for our children, for our grandparents if we continue down this path? Can we do something to stop this? YES! You can! You have a RIGHT and it is your RIGHT AND DUTY as an American citizen to vote and make a difference.
Don't just vote to be a good "team player", but vote to be the OUTSTANDING, INTELLIGENT, BEAUTIFUL SINGLE LADY that CAN make a difference with your vote.
Stand up and be the woman that God called you to be. The woman that believes and votes the truths of the Bible. Be the woman that knows it IS IN GOD that we TRUST. Without HIM we are NOTHING!
We CANNOT trust in man. We already know that BUT WE CAN AND DO TRUST GOD!!!
We CANNOT trust in man. We already know that BUT WE CAN AND DO TRUST GOD!!!
Glad you had a good time at the game!