Make-up? or Application?

Women now have so many options when it comes to make-up & face creams. The older we get, the more concerned you become with aging skin and ways to improve the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. There’s many companies that advertise brands of make-up and promise how young and beautiful your skin will appear, if you only try “their” make-up. But in watching many hours of make-up tutorials, reviews of products, brushes, and applications...I’ve learned one thing…. It’s truly not about the brand of make-up you are using, but how you are applying the make-up you have! Just like applying make-up, we have to “apply” the Word of God correctly in our life, in order for it to work. The “foundation” may be right in front of us, but in order to “build” on it, we must first apply it. We cannot see any results ...