It's time to knock over some sacred cows

Just listening to conversations of people challenged me to find the TRUTH on a few subjects. 1. They believe how they were raised/taught. 2. They don't read the WHOLE Bible. 3. If it sounds good, its okay to believe it. Are you TRULY ready to have REVELATION on some things or do you want to be stuck in this rut of life just living day-to-day hoping it gets better? As you read this article, I am going to challenge you to do several things! PRAY before you read this article. Pray that God open your eyes and make things clear for you to understand His Word and His Will. It may take a few tries to knock over that "old sacred cow" because the TRUTH is the TRUTH and no matter who taught you what they taught you, if you don't find out for yourself then you will ALWAYS be in a rut and never be free from some things! SO, if you're ready for a LIFE-CHANGE, EYE OPENING, SACRED COW KNOCKING, TRUTH FROM THE WORD OF GOD ....then let's begin! ...