Common Sense

It amazes me just how much COMMON SENSE people DON'T HAVE ! I'm not trying to belittle them in anyway, but as I was thinking of things that individuals do, over and over again, wondering why they have the same result......yet never changing what they do. It's very interesting to me. But then again. I TOO have been in this SAME category, only its about different issues. So, here is what I've been thinking though.... Why is it that young people who drink and think partying is all fun, have had an experience in the past with a friend passing away BECAUSE of alcohol, yet THEY TOO continue down that same path? Do they feel as if they are protected from the SAME THING happening to them and do they think that it is WISE for their friends to have to go THROUGH the SAME THING if it DID happen to them? Why is it that when I happen to go off my "diet", I eat EVERYTHING in sight, because I will just start "another diet" on Monday. And guess wh...