As I was listening to "Positive, Encouraging, K-LOVE" the other day. I noticed the words to a few songs they played and was amazed at the way people think. They played a new song about some guy and his wife having heartaches in their life. It seemed to put the blame on themselves and they were going to do all they could do to be right with God. They are sorry for failing Him and if He could just give them what they would like in their life, they would do all they could to give back to Him. And then the next song I hear, it's about being Redeemed and not being the same person I use to be. Wow! What a total difference in these songs! And how much more inspiring is the one that talks about HOW I AM REDEEMED! It made me start thinking how so many people blame God for the bad things that happen in their life, or blame themselves for not being "good enough", going to church enough, or whatever the reason. Let me free you up a little bit!!!! GOD IS LOV...