If tomorrow is the end of the world....

If tomorrow is the end of the world, IT'S A GOOD THING it isn't TODAY!!!! Because if you believe it to be truth, then you still have time to accept Jesus as your Savior!!! When people pass away, they don't automatically go to Heaven. That isn't the default place! We have a choice when we are living on earth that determines our forever after death. And if you haven't accept Jesus in your heart then TODAY IS THE DAY OF REPENTANCE!!! Accepting Jesus isn't just about becoming His child and spending eternity with Him in heaven, it has many more benefits but we have to know what they are and know that they belong to us before we can have them in our life. However, if you choose to not accept Jesus as your Savior, you have a very long, hard, and sad day ahead of you. There is a devil's hell and in that place, there is gnashing of teeth and hurt and pain and suffering. We can experience that here on earth, why would you want to live in eternity like that? N...