How to Stay in the Game

While doing my walk/run at the park recently, I always decide before I get there if I want to work on speed, running hills, or combine the two. This particular day, I wanted to just run hills. For two full weeks, I completely let myself eat whatever I wanted and did not exercise. It really wasn't because I DIDN'T want to stop, it was Christmas time and there were so many things going on, I just didn't have a the time to plan good meals or exercise. In doing that I learned two things, the good and the bad. The good was that I didn't have to "work" at it. I just ate whatever I wanted and had the freedom (and time) to do other things besides exercise. And do you know what? THAT was the ONLY GOOD in the 2-weeks. THE BAD was that I didn't crave ANY foods that I usually don't let myself have "when on a diet" I want to eat chocolate cake, banana pudding, etc. BUT I ate so much junk and things that I REALLY wasn't even hungry for, it mad...