Are you living the life of a CHRISTIAN?

So you say your a Christian? Yes, you believe the Lord Jesus died on the cross to save you from your sins and you've accepted Him as your Lord and Saviour! So YAH! You're on your way to heaven. PRAISE THE LORD! And that IS all well and good BUT are you living the life of a Christian? As I was reading in Romans, I came across several verses that explain how a Christian should live and WOW! AM I LIVING LIKE THAT? Does my life SHOW that I am saved without even telling anyone? Let's review some of these verses and look at your own life and really take note and be accountable for your actions and the truth of how you live. You will need your Bible for this part because it's time we did some homework ourselves instead of letting everyone else do the work. So, get your Bible out, read each verse then we will discuss it one-by-one! Are you up for this challenge??? SURE YOU ARE!!! :) Let's get started!!! We will be reading Romans 12:9-21. Vs. 9 Love without...