
Showing posts from July, 2012

Where IS your heart????

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21 Wherever you spend most of your time, that is where your heart is.  Sometimes we are not protecting our hearts and choo se other paths and our hearts get hurt and broken. It tells us in Matthew 6:25 that we cannot serve two masters. We can't give attention to this over here and put God on the back burner but expect Him to produce awesomeness in our life. We have to FULLY, COMPLETELY put our treasure IN HIM! " Do not worry about your life....what you shall eat, what you shall drink." Matthew 6:25 The Griep version would be....Do not worry about your life, what you will eat, drink, how you look, who you will marry. We are sometimes so absorbed in what's that we forget about HIM and if we are all about what's then we are putting HIM on the back burner again. Worry means divided in parts. It is a distraction, a preoccupation with things causing anxiet